Welcome to the visit of ZwickRoell and the Plastics Industry Development Center!
November 5, 2024
Welcome to the visit of ZwickRoell and the Plastics Industry Development Center!
Professor Jun-Li Lin, Director of the Center, will lead the distinguished guests on a visit to the "Medical Implant Functional Testing Laboratory" to gain an on-site understanding of the current state of testing services provided by academic institutions.Welcome to the visit of ZwickRoell and the Plastics Industry Development Center!more -
【NYCU News】引進國際「老齡化、聽力與公共健康研究員計畫」陽交大醫工學院鏈結約翰霍普金斯大學讓OTC助聽器成真
發表失智症與聽損關聯研究 被《Lancet》列為風險因子臨床研究證實助聽器可降失智症發病率Frank Lin致力推動非處方助聽器法案陽交大與約翰霍普金斯大學合作引進「老齡化、聽力與公共健康研究員計畫」首次在臺舉辦鏈結臺灣藍芽音訊IC業者 搶攻OTC助聽器藍海市場醫材轉譯研發中心 持續加速創新產品發展、落地。
這次活動不只聚焦在聽損,還擴展到腦性麻痺與中風族群造成的「口說構音障礙」,活動也邀請國內利用AI、機器學習,為構音障礙族群研發專屬語音辨識系統的宇康生科產業專家現身分享,向國際展示臺灣於口語構音障礙解決方案中,不只有技術還有許多創新的想法。為提升對於此一挑戰的認知並提出解決方案,陽明交通大學生物醫學暨工程學院(以下簡稱醫工學院)林峻立院長及生物醫學工學系賴穎暉教授、醫學系系主任楊智傑醫師、腦科所教授鄭彥甫醫師及臺北榮總耳鼻喉部廖文輝主任、薛健佑醫師,於去年7月開始共同籌畫「老齡化、聽力與公共健康研究員計畫」活動。該團隊積極與美國推動非處方助聽器法案(OTC Hearing Aids Act)的約翰霍普金斯(Johns Hopkins)大學Frank Lin (林楨元)教授及其主持的「Cochlear聽力與公共衛生研究中心」(Cochlear Centre for Hearing and Public Health)建立鏈結。賴穎暉也表示,本次活動帶來許多效益,包括:活動結束後,陽明交通大學獲得許多的詢問,並共同討論助聽器開發的可能性,並增加了與會者對老化與聽覺關係的重視與理解。【NYCU News】引進國際「老齡化、聽力與公共健康研究員計畫」陽交大醫工學院鏈結約翰霍普金斯大學讓OTC助聽器成真more -
Taipei Veterans General Hospital and NYCU Sign MOU
Professor Chun-Li Lin, Dean of the College of Biomedical Engineering and Director of the Medical Device Innovative and Translation Center, will lead the future collaboration between our university’s biomedical engineering field and the Medical Engineering Department of the Taipei Veterans General Hospital. This partnership will closely integrate clinical hospital resources, promote clinical trials and field cooperation, and build various medical data databases. Ultimately, the goal is to jointly develop medical devices that address high clinical needs.
Report LinkTaipei Veterans General Hospital and NYCU Sign MOUmore -
2023 Annual Innovation Medical Device Translational R&D Center Results Presentation
The upcoming conference will feature presentations from:
Director of the Plastics Industry Development Center, who will share insights on the challenges and shortcuts in the commercialization of innovative medical devices, focusing on maximizing cross-domain resource utilization.
Director of the Taipei Veterans General Hospital Department of Biomedical Engineering, who will discuss the paradigm shift in establishing smart hospitals, with a focus on innovation through smart medical device development.
Additionally, our center and team will share the latest developments in the application of nano-carrier drugs, wearable physiological sensing technologies, hearing and speech assistive systems, and brain imaging technologies.2023 Annual Innovation Medical Device Translational R&D Center Results Presentationmore -
"New patient-specific MIDFACE Metal 3D Printed Bone Plate" Registered for Market Listing.
In clinical settings, fractures or defects in the midfacial bones can result from traumatic injuries, external impacts, or tumor-related diseases. Without proper treatment, these fractures may lead to issues such as facial asymmetry, misalignment of the bite, and double vision. Currently, the most effective treatment involves reconstructive surgery performed by plastic surgeons, using traditional microplates for midfacial fracture reduction and reconstruction. However, challenges such as poor positioning and unstable fixation still remain."New patient-specific MIDFACE Metal 3D Printed Bone Plate" Registered for Market Listing.more